About Us

Stressed about a pest ?

We understand the hustle of trying to find a tool that actually works to help you manage your pest situation.

The IPM store is a company supplying pest management equipment.

We specialize in alternative pest management approaches and are very passionate about pesticide-free pest management interventions. And why not? Most of the products available for stubborn pests especially bedbugs and cockroaches are highly toxic substances. The stuff usually doesn’t work anyway…pests simply crawl away as you treat. And that is why you are here. Because you, just like everybody else, are tired, and would like to find something that actually works for a change. Why put your health at risk, for products that give you less than satisfactory results anyway ?

With integrated pest management (IPM) approaches, we aim at solving the problem, not just applying a bandage on the symptoms. We have years of experience working with pest management experts around the world so as to source the right tools that get the job done. We back this up with actual field application in some of the worst and toughest pest management scenarios right here in Kenya to test efficiency and efficacy of our products. The results? Excellence !

By partnering with us, The IPM Store helps you achieve 3 things:

          1. Reduce Cost (we help you save money).

          2. Increase efficiency.

          3. Protect your health and the environment around you.

You bleed money in almost every aspect of running your business. It is time someone put some money back into your pocket. And we can help you achieve this, while at the same time increasing your efficiency and turn-around time. We help you Win !

Reach out to us today to learn how we be of help to you and your teams. 

Our Company

We are a group of mixed professionals, working together to support you in whatever industry, whatever your pest management needs are. We understand you, and your need to access quality products that save you money and give results while at the same time keeping you and the environment safe.

Our management team comes from a background in pest management. We know the right tools that work, we know the right strategies that give you the best results, as well as the struggle you go through trying to marry these positives with the availability of these tools in the first place.

We give you an all-under-one roof solution. Quality tools, backed by experienced technical support to help you succeed !

Imagine pesticide-free living spaces !

Imagine serving clients at your restaurant without worrying if there are toxic pesticide residues contaminating their meal after your pest treatment recently.

Imagine your clients checking in to your hospital/resort, and going to bed without you worrying if the room still smells of the chemical pesticides you used to treat the place. Or worrying if their bedding could be contaminated with harmful pesticides.

Now imagine if this was not just a dream, but is actually possible, and available to you…right now and is just a phone call away? 

This is NOT a dream. This is reality. 

At the IPM Store, we are invested in protecting the world not just from harmful or stubborn pests, but also protecting you from unnecessary harmful chemical pesticides being used close to where you, your precious family, staff members or clients live.

We source quality equipment and products that are meant to help you stay safe by reducing your pesticide usage by up to 99% (we do acknowledge that pesticides play an important role, and have their place in your integrated pest management program). It is the bad pesticide usage and poor treatment practices that we try help you and your teams avoid by going pesticide-free right from the start.

You get to enjoy safe spaces, while at the same time save money and increase efficiency and success of your pest management program.

Because anything is possible, if you can just Dream it !

Our Team

Meet part of our awesome team, ready to guide you in selecting the right equipment for your pest needs. Got a question or concerns? Shoot us a message or hit our phone line and help will be right on the way.

Visit our Online Store to See our Collection of Tools and Equipment Available for You !

Pest Management is an exciting journey. You get to play detective in your own investigative series of The Secret Lives of Pests !

Insect and rodent dropping tell a story. So do simple give-aways like how food or nesting material has been scattered. But how are you to play detective if you don’t have the right tools to help you investigate? So we give you tools like inspection flash lights and glue monitors to help you assess the situation. 

Once you find the alleged perpetrator(s), justice needs to be served swift. We got some awesome tools to help you serve justice whichever way you like it. You get to choose how you want to dispatch your culprits; Instant death by a fiery inferno, suction, or the gallows.

Sounds like something you would do?

We support your childhood dreams, because who wouldn’t want to be a hero? 

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