Are you in pest management and have you ever struggled with a severe bedbug infestation ?
Bedbugs are one of the most resilient pests in nature, and they build resistance very fast. Soon you realize that no matter what you use, they just wont go away? Or, even when they die, they recur in less that two weeks, stronger like nothing happened.
This is a situation that almost everyone in pest management has had to go through at one time or another. And it can be quite frustrating.
The IPM Store introduces to you for the first time in the country, the Cimex Eradicator.
The Cimex Eradicator is the ultimate bedbug killing machine, using absolutely zero pesticides. Experience the power of superheated dry steam that;
1. Does not contaminate your surfaces.
2. Does not soak client bedding.
3. Room/bed can be reused immediately after treatment with zero health risk, zero worries.
Nothing survives our superheated steam gun.
It is time to #KillThemAll
Why Choose Steam ?
Four reasons;
1. Zero pesticides
2. Zero health risk to you, your staff or clients
3. Zero risk of insecticide resistance
4. Saves you money by removing recurrent cost of pesticide purchase
For pest management companies treating accommodation facilities like guest rooms/resorts, you are going to love this. You know how clients call for emergency treatment then you have to close down the room for about 2-3 days because of soaked bedding and chocking pesticide smells? And hotel management usually don’t like that, especially at peak tourist season ? Well, with our Cimex Eradicator, you can treat a room in 30 minutes and guests can use the room immediately. How cool would that make you feel ? We help you win !
What are you waiting for ?