Pest Vacuums in Pest management

Pest Vacuum
Have you noticed lately how you could treat for cockroaches (especially German Cockroaches) today and by the next day, you still have cockroaches all over the facility like you haven’t done anything ?
One word for that…Frustrating !
Well, you don’t really have to stay frustrated if you know what to do. At The IPM Store, we train your staff how to easily use our Green Supreme Pest Vacuum to safely and efficiently contain cockroaches and other crawling insects without pesticides.
Welcome to the world of pest vacuums.
Our Pest vacuums are;
1. Small
2. Lightweight
3. Use little electric energy
4. Have high suction power to pull hidden pests/waste
5. Have a HEPA approved filter that ensures no pest or microbes escape in the exhaust air while performing your pest treatment
Pest vacuums are ideal for hotel kitchens, food factory production halls, hospitals, schools and other sensitive accounts that are strict on chemical pesticide usage.
What’s more is that with a pest vacuum, you almost forget about recurrent pesticide cost on your balance sheet. We guarantee to reduce your chemical cost by over 90%. And that friends, is music to any company executive.
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